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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Chocolate Formula?!?!?

I think this article basically sums up everything wrong with American society and eating.  Chocolate formula for toddlers??  Let's replace the most real, natural food toddlers normally would be getting, breastmilk, after all the WHO recommends a minimum of two years of breastfeeding, with fake overly sweetened, drinks that contains 4.5 teaspoons of sugar per 7 oz. serving!   That's A LOT of sugar!   Instead of eating real food with real vitamins, let's just eat fake stuff and add vitamins in!.  From there, it's just the natural leap to colored, sugar-frosted cereals and neon-glowing yogurt, 

Not to mention, that even if a mother can't breastfeed up to two years of age, formua isn't recommended or necessary after 12 months.   To quote
This is a terrible idea. Infants and toddlers do not need formula—they need to transition from mother's milk to eating nutritious table foods, drinking milk, and developing healthy eating behaviors
It is not likely to bode well for subsequent eating habits and food preferences.

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